Lights Out Animation was founded by Zac Goldner and Eduardo Borrego in Los Angeles, CA during a creative scramble just hours before the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con. Our mission is to develop next-level narratives driven by immersive worlds and authentic characters.
Why call ourselves “Lights Out”? To reflect the wondrous, child-like imagination that only comes to life in the dark.
Our team of artists and producers have backgrounds in all corners of the entertainment industry – from Disney features to AAA video games. Meet the roster below.
Co-Founder (Activision, Magnopus)
Lights Out AnimationZac
Co-Founder (Red Bull, G4, ESPN)
Lights Out AnimationZane
Creative Consultant (Disney)
Lights Out AnimationGaby
Story Artist
Lights Out AnimationPavin
Story Consultant
Lights Out AnimationCorentin
Story Artist
Lights Out Animation